Video Lead Generation: 7 Ways to Generate Leads with Video

Hari Krishnan - September 29, 2022 - Leave your thoughts.

The most important step towards success is the first step. You have to start somewhere. Lead generation is the first step in your customer acquisition and road to success. However, generating bad leads can add to your customer acquisition costs and result in losses. Therefore, quality lead generation is the first step towards the prosperity of your business.

Generating bad leads is like planting your first step on a slippery slope. It is only going to go downhill from there. You should find a viable solution to add high-quality leads to your business. This is where videos come into play.

86% of marketers have lauded videos for being an efficient lead generation tool. Video marketing certainly makes your life easier with respect to lead generation. Before we explore how, let’s have a deeper look at what video lead generation is.

What is Video Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of collecting information from potential customers of your business. It is the contact information of a prospect interested in your business. Businesses mostly prefer to get their hands on prospective customers’ phone numbers and email addresses. 

Video lead generation is nothing but using videos to collect contact information about your leads. 

How to Generate Videos with Leads?

Let’s dive straight into how we can use videos to generate leads.

  1. Include Call-to-Action(CTA)

    Your video might be the perfect blend of information and entertainment but it would need a CTA. Your video is bound to be reduced to a moot point in the absence of a CTA. CTAs show the purpose of a video to your prospects. You do not want your video to be the proverbial shot in the dark. Thus, it will do wonders for your lead generation strategy if you add CTAs to your video.

    In today’s time, a mere “to know more, click on the link given in the description” will not suffice. If you truly believe that your customer is the king, you need to serve them on a platter. As a consequence, you should add a clickable CTA so that you can guide your prospects with ease.

  1. Include a Form/Turnstile in Your Video

With a form, you are NOT beating around the bush to the customer. You are showing that you mean business. If the video is convincing enough and your form pops up, your prospect will fill the form then and become a lead then and there. Remember that the timing of your form is quite important. Place in the juncture where you think your audience is convinced. It can be at the beginning, middle or end of the video.

Lead Generation
  1. Forms/Turnstiles as Email Gates

Yes, we explored forms and turnstiles just now. But using a form as an email gate is a different ball game in the lead generation world, it can guarantee a lead if your viewer is keen to watch your video. However, there’s a catch, you have to be sure that your viewer is keen enough to watch the video. The value proposition of the video needs to be so strong that your viewer is ready to go through the hassle of filling out a form just to watch the video.

  1. Landing Pages

With dwindling attention spans, not everyone has the patience to go through your landing pages. At times, some prospects might not be able to comprehend your landing pages completely. Landing pages with compelling videos are bound to hold your prospects’ attention more than landing pages without videos.

In fact, the dynamic duo of videos and landing pages reduces the bounce rate by a staggering 34%! So include videos on landing pages rather than just relying on text and images. 

  1. Using Video Analytics

Analyzing data might need a bit more work from your side. But if executed properly, it is completely worth it. In case, your prospect has not connected with you. You can set a chain of custom events that would trigger emails to your prospects based on their engagement rate in the video. However, to avail of this feature, you need to collaborate with a video hosting platform that would allow you to get your hands on in-depth video analytics.

Video Analytics
Video Analytics
  1. Optimizing Videos for SEO

Video SEO goes under the radar. If you optimize your website and blogs for SEO, then why would you neglect video SEO? Unfortunately, this happens quite a lot. Optimizing videos for SEO should be the norm and not the exception. A video hosting service will automate your video SEO for you. Apart from automating your video optimization, here are some video SEO tips for you:

1. Ensure that the title and description contain keywords.

2. Include captions and transcripts.

3. Use a captivating thumbnail.

4. Make it mobile-friendly as many watch videos on their handheld devices.

5. Make use of relevant tags.

  1. Personalized Videos

Sending personalized videos to a prospect can do wonders for you. With personalized videos, your prospects instantly connect with you as you make them feel special. You will be generating leads in no time with personalized videos that hit home. Keep the following tips in mind while making personalized videos:

1. Have the right equipment

2. Research your prospects

3. Have a bound script

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

  1. What are the interactive hotspots that can be helpful to a video marketing strategy?

Answer: Call-to-Action, forms, surveys, quizzes, and annotations are examples of interactive hotspots that can be of great help to your video marketing strategy.

  1. Is lead generation through videos a necessary strategy?

Answer: Absolutely. It will be a fallacy if your marketing strategy is NOT built around videos. Since its inception, audiovisual has been the most lucrative form of communication. The drawback was that TV ads could be afforded only by the bigwigs. With the rapid rise of the internet, videos have become an affordable form of communication. In the long term, they are more cost-efficient as well-crafted videos are bound to bring customer acquisition costs by a considerable margin. 

Lead generation is a constant in the marketing strategy of any business. You must fine-tune it and use the best ways to generate high-quality leads. Videos coupled with interactive hotspots have proven to be the most effective form of lead generation. Get your hands on a competent video hosting platform to make the best out of your videos.