Corporate Training: 6 Ways Corporate Trainers Can Use Videos to Train Employees with Short Attention Spans

Hari Krishnan - September 29, 2022 - Leave your thoughts.

“A teacher never gives up on students no matter what.” is an oft-repeated line and rightly so. Teaching can make or break a life. This quote is often used in educational institutions to reinforce the importance of a teacher.

The adage can also be applied to the relationship between corporate trainers and employees in the current scenario. Corporate trainers combat an enemy whose threats only seem to be looming more and more. The enemy is shortening attention span. 

Let’s look at some astonishing stats on attention spans according to Time Magazine in 2015.

The average attention span of humans in 2000 was 12.5 seconds

The average attention span of humans in 2015 was 8.5 seconds

The average attention span of a goldfish is 9.25 seconds

The idiom, “You have the attention span of a goldfish” was used sarcastically. Well, the reality is worse. It has affected people from all walks of life including companies that invest in corporate training to increase employee productivity. 

Perhaps, the dwindling attention span is why 74% of employees feel they need more training as they are unable to unlock their full potential.

There is no need to hit the panic button yet. The glass is still half full. Videos have come to the rescue of corporate trainers trying to teach employees with short attention spans. Here’s how:

How to Use Videos to Help Corporate Trainers and Employees Overcome Short Attention Spans

Let’s dive straight into how corporate trainers can make their lives easier with videos whilst training employees with short attention spans. 

1. Have a Script

A script will shape whatever you intend to communicate to your employees. The dialogues, visuals, audio, text, etc are all currencies of your videos. Equipping yourself with a well-crafted script will help you with a plan of action. Shooting without a script will make your employees feel that your training videos are all over the place without a uniform sense of direction.

2. Keep the Videos to the Point

A corporate training video cannot be confined to a particular video length. But try to classify videos in clusters such as topic, use case, process, etc. Speak whatever the cluster requires and not exceed a word.

For instance, if your topic is about how to streamline accounting. Just stick to it rather than delving into the domain of marketing. This will only make your employees feel baffled and disconnected. 

3. Include Quizzes in Your Corporate Training Videos

Adding an interactive hotspot like a quiz in your videos is going to allow you to gauge whether your employee can understand the videos. By analyzing the results of the quizzes, you can make tweaks to your video or group employees according to their levels of learning. You can use a tool like Jotform Quiz Maker to create interactive quizzes and share them by sending a link to your audience.

For example, you can create separate videos for them or address them together in a live video session if a chunk of your employees’ answers about inside sales training is wrong.

4.Collect Feedback by Including Surveys in Your Training Videos

Including quizzes alone will not help you know your employee’s experience with the training videos. Your employee might have comprehended and answered the questions with ease, but that does not mean your videos are devoid of shortcomings. Including surveys in your videos will help you acquire both qualitative and quantitative feedback from your employees.

You can ask the following questions to your employees through quizzes:

  • Rate your experience in the range of 1-10
  • What are the areas you think we can improve in our videos?

5. Use Great Equipment

You would think this is a given. However, it is so easy to ignore the elephant in the room if you are engrossed in fine-tuning the nitty-gritty aspects of your corporate training videos. Ensure that you have the following video recording equipment at your disposal:

1. A good quality camera

2. A good quality mic

6.Use Video Analytics

You cannot glean all information through quizzes and surveys. You need something more. Especially for the reticent employees who will not open up in surveys. That’s where video analytics comes into play. Track your employee’s view time, repeat rate, open rate, video heatmaps, and so on under one roof with the help of video analytics.

Dissect the analytics to know your employee’s engagement during the video. Use it to fine-tune and improve your corporate training through videos.

Corporate trainers are crucial to your business. In the short and long term, they will help you increase employee productivity, which in turn, will help you increase your profits. Empower your trainers with a video hosting platform that will help them perfect your learning and development strategy.