How to Turn Sales Leads Into Prospects With Video Emails

Every business strives to turn sales leads into prospects. Customers need to keep moving down the funnel. Many methods have been tried and tested to achieve the same. However, a few have proven to be as effective as video emails. Let’s learn how to turn sales leads into prospects with video emails. 

Moving visuals stimulate human beings like no other medium. The strong stimulation is the reason why no other medium has been able to hold a candle to videos since their inception. Videos have captured the imagination for over a century now.

Videos get a better response from cold prospects. The same can be said about using video emails for moving leads further down the sales funnel and turning them into prospects. Video  Let’s have a look at what are video emails.

What Are Video Emails?

Emails that contain videos and may contain text and images are known as video emails. The benefits of video emails are quite a few: 

Benefits of Video Emails

1. Increases Open Rates: Your email being opened is the first step towards success. An unopened email puts the chances of any interaction with your prospective customers to grave. Using the word “video” in your subject line boosts your open rate by 26% with video emails.

2. Retainable: People remember video emails more than out-and-out text emails. Video emails are 13% more memorable as compared to text emails according to B2B decision labs.

3. Increases Click-Through Rate(CTR): Your outreach email ought to have a link to your website or a CTA. You place it to direct your prospective customers. Increase your CTR by 65% by attaching a video to your outreach email.

4. Decreases Unsubscribe Rates: Skyrocketing unsubscribe rates are a source of disappointment. Video emails help you cut down the unsubscribe rates by 26%.

Show helps you to send video emails through any email provider platform.

Benefits of Turning Leads Into Prospects

It is important to keep the needle moving to make progress in your business. One of the ways to keep the needle moving is by turning your leads into prospects. Here’s why turning leads into prospects is important.

  1. Establishing Relationships with Prospective Customers

    A lead hardly assures you of any long-term relationship. However, your relationship with the prospective customer is consolidated when you turn the lead into a prospect. Even if the prospect fails to become a customer, you will always be looking forward to the prospect becoming a customer.
  1. Increase the Chances of a Sale

    The prospective customer who moves down to a narrower part of the funnel is more likely to become your customer. The chances of acquiring a customer increase when you turn a prospect into a lead. An increased chance of a sale also means increased revenue. 
  1. Deeper User and Customer Insights

    You engage with prospects on a more profound level in comparison to a lead. Converting a lead to a prospect itself leads you to a goldmine of knowledge about the customer. Through your outreach to prospects, you gain a lot more information about the needs of your customers. You can discover more pain points of a customer. The shortcomings of your product can also be rectified.

    Turning a lead into a prospect equips you with better discernment to serve your customers. 
  1. Optimal Use of Resources

    Successful lead nurturing allows you to understand what is appealing to prospective customers. You can allocate more resources to the lead conversion campaigns that are working for your company over the ones that are not. You are nurturing your leads with minimal effort with video emails. There are an increasing number of steps that the sales teams have to perform to convert leads into prospects. However, with video emails, the number of steps is minimized.

How Video Emails Can Turn Sales Leads into Prospects

  1. Create Personalized Video Emails

    Personalized video emails build a rapport with leads. When you build a relationship with your leads, the chances of a lead turning into a prospect increase. Personalized videos can also help you target specific pain points of your consumer. You can increase the credibility of your business by building your videos around a customer. Your personalized videos will strike a chord with the viewer and have a positive impact on your prospect conversion rate. 
  1. Keep it Persona Centered

    The lead should be aware that you are empathetic about his needs and pain points. Your video should not be a blanket statement that applies to all. Instead, create and send video emails according to the persona of the customers. Make sure that you at least have an inkling of their behavioural and psychographic information. In some cases, demographic information about the lead can also turn out to be useful to you. 
  1. Problems and Use-Case Focused

    Your video email should focus on a problem that your product will solve. The video should help your customers solve a problem that they may or have already encountered. Keep yourself informed about the segment of the customer you are nurturing. You should send your video emails according to the lead segmentation that you have done. Doing so will increase your chances of turning leads into prospects.  
  1. Make Engaging Videos

    Today, people are spoilt with choice when it comes to content. Your product is not just competing with your competitors’ products. Your content is also competing with other easily accessible content available to the customer. Yes, you do get to use your product as leverage. However, it can only take you so far. You need to ensure that your videos are engaging from the word go.

    Show allows you to customize your video thumbnails, make your videos more engaging, and add interactive hotspots to your videos. Your videos should contain at least one of the three:  high-quality visuals, animations, and engaging voice-overs. Above all, you should provide value to your customers with your videos. 
  2. Analyze Your Videos

    Keep an eye on each of your video emails. Track your subject line to check whether you have optimized your subject line enough to increase your open rate. helps get your hands on video consumption statistics, viewer statistics, and viewing heat maps with Show’s video analytics. Video analytics allows you to have a finger on the pulse of your leads.

All-in-all, video emails are a powerful tool to turn leads into prospects. They allow you to add a personal touch and communicate visually about your product to your leads. Videos tend to have a higher engagement rate as compared to their text and image counterparts. The chances of businesses converting their leads into prospects increase manifold with video emails.

Book a demo with Show to learn how you can send video emails from Show and analyze them.